More Salumist Fun

Sunday, February 22nd, 2015

A young couple has moved back to Laurel with a plan to open a meat market, offering whole free market butchery. This means you get the cut of meat you want, not what the factory wants  you to have. They’ll not only offer fresh cuts of meat, but also will cure and smoke meat [...]

Gulf Bounty

Saturday, May 31st, 2014

On the Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama Gulf Coast the muddy water from the Mississippi, Pascagoula, and Mobile rivers brings wildly nourishing food to all the little creatures swimming about it the water off the coast. In fact, it has gotten so nourishing to some of the creatures that all the oxygen is depleted from vast [...]


Friday, December 13th, 2013

It’s not clear to me, regardless of what road one follows in life, how a statement like the one below can be overlooked.  In the author’s case, his road was to freedom, literally. In 98 words, he describes life, his, mine, and likely yours too.
“I have walked that long road to freedom. I have tried [...]

Day Trip to Dalphin Island

Thursday, July 18th, 2013

There are people I remember, there are places too. One comes to mind, Places, that is. Dauphin Island, Alabama. It’s a long spit of land just out west of Mobile Bay, long been peopled by generations of beach lovers. Some Governor of that State got pushed into passing legislation that allowed the investment of big [...]

Business Lessons From Masters

Wednesday, April 24th, 2013

My father came from a large family.  The household had parents and 10 children, everyone of them interesting characters with Jones – Covington – Smith County Knight blood.  They were merchants with 6 of the siblings working together running J M Wilson and Sons Feed and Seed Store under the direction of their father. As [...]

Family Vacation

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013

In March my family took a vacation. The family went to Italy for almost two weeks. My daughter made most all the arrangements choosing hotels, airlines, schedules, and researching places of interest. Not the least included restaurants for us to enjoy.

We began our vacation in Rome, a city so wonderful and alive. Here we are [...]

The Neighborhood of Tallahoma

Monday, December 31st, 2012

The indigenous people here in the Piney Woods were the Choctaw Indians, as far as I know.  Their people lived all through the red clay hills of this land.  Some foresters can find their camp grounds by just recognizing the pattern of high land close to water. They date the camps near 10,000 years old [...]

Hurricane Season

Monday, August 27th, 2012

August 29, 2005.  That date is more embedded into my core than “9/11”.  The latter was for me some terrible and emotional day. The former was some terrible day for life.  Hurricane Katrina blew out our candles from Pensacola to Baton Rouge.  All along the US Gulf Coast and 100 miles inland she smashed life as [...]

Properly Groomed

Friday, June 1st, 2012

It’s likely that this title is misleading. This post is mine, so one might imagine that I am talking about my very own good grooming. Maybe that someone else’s grooming was proper, or not. Given my, let’s call it ‘comfortable’ style, this blog is surely not about my good grooming.  Now, one shouldn’t think that [...]

Wonder What Happened to Sarah?

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011

So much nostalgia on Facebook these days.  One particular Page, “Old Laurel (Mississippi) Memories” brings out the best and most.  There are thousands of friends, most eager to tell a story or comment. Most likely it’s because many of my FB friends have approached the time in their lives when the remembering of the past [...]