Concerned About Black Mold?
People who own real estate should concern themselves with various environmental issues that occur naturally in and on the land and the buildings constructed there. One of the most famous problems down south is the termite. Everyone knows that termites live in colonies and attack materials that adore food sources rich in cellulose. That’s wood, by the way!
One problem few people know much about is “Stachybotrys”, the fancy name for molds or fungi. Many of these little things also love materials rich in cellulose and they are of serious concern to property owners. There are many widespread species, the most infamous of which is known as “black mold” or “toxic black mold.
These molds can be toxic and this can have a wide range of effects. Depending on how long the exposure is and how many spores were involved, symptoms can include fatigue, headaches, fever, eye irritation, nose and throat irritation, sneezing, and various rashes.
For these reasons, any property owner or their agent should be paying close attention to any existence of any condition on a wall, floor, or ceiling that looks like this.
It is important to know that these things cannot grow and flourish without plenty of water. Down South, if there is an enclosure without much ventilation, and there is some moisture around, like a roof leak or plumbing drip; black mold will thrive. The rule of thumb is that if you take away any water source in the area, the mold dies. Add some air circulation, and things usually clear up quickly.
I found this web site that provides some guidance to us all. Take a look at all the ways we can help prevent the condition arising in our homes and offices.
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